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Windows Phone(简称为WP)是微软于2010年10月21日正式发布的一款手机操作系统,初始版本命名为Windows Phone 7.0。基于Windows CE内核,采用了一种称为Metro的用户界面(UI),并将微软旗下的Xbox Live游戏、Xbox Music音乐与独特的视频体验集成至手机中。2011年2月,诺基亚与微软达成全球战略同盟并深度合作共同研发 A window replacement project can be a very rewarding DIY project in more ways than one. Apart from taking labor costs out of the equation, you can work on your window on your own terms and timeline and get work done just the way you want it The process of replacing or installing a brand-new window is somewhat complex. This guide focuses not on the step-by-step process, but instead on advice for performing correct installation. First-timers DIY installing windows for the home s



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